مستخدم:Ravan (WMF)
هذه صفحة المستخدم الخاصة بمستخدم كان أحد موظفي مؤسسة ويكيميديا أو كان يحمل صفة متعاقد مع المؤسسة. هذه الصفحة لم تمحى كي تظل سجلا تاريخيا. إلا أن أي معلومات اتصال مبينة قد لا تكون صحيحة لأن هذا المستخدم لم يعد موظفا لدى المؤسسة. كي تتواصل مع موظفي المؤسسة الحاليين، يرجى الاطلاع على مؤسسة ويكيميديا أو المخطط التنظيمي. لو أردت المساعدة في التعرف على الموظف الأنسب للتواصل معه حيال مسألة، يرجى استخدام answerswikimedia.org. |
About me
My Name is Ravan, my volunteer username is Ravan, I am a member in the Affiliations Committee, an active editor & a former admin in Arabic Wikipedia. I've founded Iraqi Wikimedians usergroup, organized Wiki Loves Monument three times for my country. I managed two workshops and editathons, co-founded Wikiwomen prize to decrease the gender gap of content in Wikipedia. I have attended :
My work
The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is in the process of improving their governances process, including changing of by-laws. Broadly, my role is to "facilitate" the process by helping communities to actively participate in the consultation, and also making sure that community's feedback/opinion is relayed to the Board. It is a participatory design approach. My region of focus is Middle East & North Africa, however, I may be engaging with other multilingual groups/projects, if required.
Contact me
This user is @RavanJaafar on X. |
Talking in Washington DC as a part of Wikimedia annual fundraising campaign.
Special moments
Representing Wikipedia in receiving Princess of Asturias award in Spain 2015.
The Cermony
The Ceremony
At university of Gijón
This user is @RavanJaafar on X. |